Young adults across the state of Indiana are now covered by the Indiana Lifeline Law, which encourages Hoosiers to call for assistance in the event of an alcohol-related medical emergency. Read more about the law here.

Today we are happy to announce the Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has signed the Indiana Lifeline Law. The law will officially take effect on July 1, 2012.

The Indiana House of Representatives has passed SB 274, the Indiana Lifeline Law, on third reading by a vote of 96 to 0. Due to minor amendments made in the House of second reading, the bill will now return to the State Senate for a vote of concurrence before proceeding to the Governor's desk for signature. The amendments, offerred by Representative Judd McMillin carlify the intent of the bill but do not alter its affects.
Today the Courts and Criminal Code Committee in the Indiana House of Representatives passed the Lifeline Law by a vote of 11 to 0. Representatives from Purdue, IU, and the Attorney General's Office were on hand to testify in favor of the bill. It will now proceed to a full vote in the State House of Representatives.
Members of the Indiana State Senate and House of Representatives attended a luncheon today hosted by students leaders from across the state. Speakers included Purdue Student Body President Brett Highley, IU Student Body President Justin Kingsolver, Attorney General Greg Zoeller, Senator Randy Head, and Representative Judd McMillin.

Upon the third reading of SB 274, the Indiana Senate unanimously passed the Indiana Lifeline law. HB 1245 must now pass the Indiana House to move one step closer to establishing the Lifeline Law. We stongly encourage all Hoosiers to contact their State Representative in support of this bill!
After a spirited hearing this morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to approve an amended version of SB 274, the Indiana Lifeline Law, on first reading.
The amendment was introduced by co-author Senator Randy Head and adopted by consent. It prevents the bill from applying to the use of controlled substances and removes the pretrial version program required for those receiving medical care. SB 274 will now proceed to a sceond reading and a vote of the fulll Senate.

A hearing has been scheduled for SB 274 on January 18th by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee will hear testimony, consider amendments, and vote on whether the move the law to the full Senate for a vote.
The hearing will be held at the Indiana Statehouse at 9:00am in Room 130 and is open to the public. We encourage all Hoosiers to contact their State Senators in support of this bill, especially if they serve on the Judiciary Committee!

The Indiana Lifeline Law has now been introduced in the Indiana House of Representatives by Representative Sheila Klinker (D-Lafayette). The House version of the bill is HB 1245 and will be cosponored by Representative Judd McMillin R-Brookville) and Representative Randy Truitt (R-West Lafayette). A copy of the bill is available on our about page.
We are excited to see the this important legislation introduced in both chambers of the legislature and will be working with our State Representatives and State Senators to support its passage.
Student leaders from Indiana University, Purdue University, and the University of Southern Indiana traveled to the State Capitol today to meet with their legislators regarding the Lifeline Law.
We had the opportunity to talk with State Representatives and State Senators from both parties as well as Indiana's Attorney General, Greg Zoeller. The responses so far have been very positive, with a number of legislators pledging their support for the bill once it comes to a vote. We'll be back in Indianapolis next week to meet with more lawmakers.

This afternoon, State Senator Jim Merritt of Indianapolis officially filed the Lifeline Law bill, which will be known as SB 274. A copy of the bill is available on our about page.
We thank Senator Merritt for his efforts to pass this important piece of legislation and look forward to working with him as it works its way through the legislative process. The bill has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will have to approve it before it can be brought to the full Senate for a vote.